Sister Megan Rice, facing trial

Sister Megan Rice, a Roman Catholic nun of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, and her two companions, have been charged with trespassing on government property, and its destruction and depredation after a break-in at a nuclear complex in Oak Ridge, Tenn.

An anti-war, and anti-nuclear activity, Sister Rice could face up to 16 years in prison, which means it would be a death warrant for her at age 82. But that won’t stop her from fighting for life. Her trial is scheduled in October. I just put her on my prayer list. God be with her.

We know what’s coming ahead. At times, it appears that there is no going back, but some still choose to fight until last breath comes. Because until that final breath, nothing really has come yet. So thank you Sister Rice for fighting!

Here’s an article on her published today:

Behind Nuclear Breach, A nun’s Bold Fervor

2 Comments Add yours

  1. It’s kinda like the Bible says – put your hand to the plough, fix your face on Jesus and don’t look back. Keep going forward.

  2. lilyboat says:

    i like that verse. thank you for commenting! God had a very important message for us end-time humans when Lot’s wife looked back. Every time I feel like looking back, I think about what happened to her.

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